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Our Products

  • Trade One Inc- Idler


    Link-Belt® belt conveyor idlers and components set the standard of excellence for bulk material handling throughout the world. We offer a full line of ball bearing idler products that meet or exceed CEMA B, C, D and E specifications. Our ball bearing idlers feature advanced bearing technology for less rolling resistance than competing designs. Efficient bearing placement minimizes shaft deflection and extends bearing life. Moreover, the bearings are sealed for life, resulting in maintenance free service. The new bearing technology also helps to ensure quality control in the manufacturing process and to extend roll life.
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  • Light Industry Feeder
  • Shinmaywa - Norus Lightweight Submersible Pump

    Norus Lightweight Submersible Pump

    ShinMaywa® Norus® Submersible Pumps are one of the most reliable and durable pumps sold in today’s water garden market. On the outside, it has a unique hardware design made of fiberglass in addition to its cast aluminum bearing housing, which provides superior heat dissipation and structural integrity in comparison to competing pumps.
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  • Heywel - Roots Blower
  • Shinmaywa Dewatering Pump

    Shinmaywa Dewatering Pump

    Light and Compact, yet Tough The BTR-S series are SINGLE PHASE electric­ motor-driven submersible dewatering pump. It is lightweight and compact, which means that it can be put to work quickly anywhere where water has to be pumped away.
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    Shinmaywa Non-Clog Submersible Pump

    The Shinmaywa Non-Clog Submersible Pump CNWX series of non-clog submersible pumps have a high pass-through capability that exceeds that of current submersible pumps.
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  • Shinmaywa - Shinmaywa Non-Clog Submersible Pump (With Built in Chopper) CNMJ Series

    Shinmaywa Non-Clog Submersible Pump (With Built in Chopper)

    Shinmaywa Non-Clog Submersible Pump (With Built in Chopper) APPLICATIONS: For purifier tanks in sewage treatment yards. Draining sewage in sewer and sewage treatment yards. Relaying sewer system. Drainage from building or sanitary facilities. Draining rainwater Treatment process of waste water from plant treatment yards
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  • Aurora - Single Stage End Suction Horizontal Flexible Series 300

    Single Stage End Suction Horizontal Flexible Series 300

    The horizontal split case pump has long been used for the handling of liquids where the utmost in reliability and accessibility is paramount. The Aurora 410 Series is a modern design based on Aurora’s over 90 years of experience with the design, sales and manufacturing of split case pumps. Model 411 is horizontally baseplate mounted with a driver flexibility couple to the pump. This design is recommended where floor space is readily available and where flooding of the installation is not possible. Model 412 is vertically mounted and uses flexible shafting between the driver and the pump. This model is frequently used on difficult applications where flooding of the installation is a possibility. Model 413 is vertically mounted with an elevated driver coupled directly to the pump through a flexible coupling. Model 413 is very popular for installations where available floor space is limited and where possible flooding is marginal. Applications Aurora’s 410 Series are readily used in industrial, agricultural and commercial applications including water supply, irrigation and water transfer. Features Bronze fitted pump construction Dynamically balance impellers Bronze shaft sleeves and case wearing rings Twin volute on 10” and larger pumps Re-grease able ball bearings Internal bypass between casing and stuffing box Carbon steel shaft
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